Compiling zstd-safe v5.0.2+zstd.1.5.2 error: integer literal is too large --> /xxx/Epic-Asset-Manager/eam-git/src/build/cargo-home/registry/src/ | 88704 | 0x223E, 0x2249, 0x224D, 0x2253, 0x2262, 0x2268, 0x2270, 0x2296, 0x229A, 0x22A6, 0x22C0, 0x2313, | ^^^^^^ | = note: value exceeds limit of `340282366920938463463374607431768211455` error: integer literal is too large --> /xxx/Epic-Asset-Manager/eam-git/src/build/cargo-home/registry/src/ | 88704 | 0x223E, 0x2249, 0x224D, 0x2253, 0x2262, 0x2268, 0x2270, 0x2296, 0x229A, 0x22A6, 0x22C0, 0x2313, | ^^^^^^ | = note: value exceeds limit of `340282366920938463463374607431768211455` Compiling rustix v0.38.13 error: could not compile `encoding_rs` (lib) due to 2 previous errors warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish... FAILED: src/epic_asset_manager /usr/bin/env CARGO_HOME=/xxx/Epic-Asset-Manager/eam-git/src/build/cargo-home /usr/bin/cargo build --manifest-path /xxx/Epic-Asset-Manager/eam-git/src/Epic-Asset-Manager/Cargo.toml --target-dir /xxx/Epic-Asset-Manager/eam-git/src/build/src --release && cp src/release/epic_asset_manager src/epic_asset_manager ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build(). Aborting...