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this post will be edited multiple times
the post is about cryptocurrencies
пост о криптовалютах, возможно будем изменен несколько раз
SCAM POST!!! МОШЕННИЧСТВО высокого качества!!!

вероятность нарваться на мошенников, пытаясь использовать криптовалюту очень высокая
лишний раз убеждаемся, что у государства не хватает средств чтобы всё отрегулировать

probability of fraud when dealing with cryptocurrencies is extremely high
making sure an extra time that govermant doesn't have the ability, or simply doesn't do it's job

as for small amounts of `money` you are not afraid to lose, you would want wallet like
as for larger amounts, you would want hardware wallet like ledger

you can also use "new tablet in android SDK to see how much scam there is
they make very high-quality crimes

Stalin's stash 2407 password VladivostokFM (there is cryptowallet key to get access to it)
etherium main network 0xe46c53c7736d005b37e1e5bb21fc89674f83b3f7

Sasha didn't find any software wallet which supports multiple cryptocurrencies, so he proceeded with one recommended on , zcash official website even has fraud wallets like exodus, edge wallet
Sasha' etherium main network 0xf4b7da488d6a9dd71756fa4531a584f5c4f4131a

make a stash in graveyard cemetery far from roads
тайник сделайте на кладбище подальше от дорожек

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